Jimmy - Universal.
Light reflects off polished steel stone under our feet in the eternal
stadium of cosmos only to sink into our eye and forever die as it is
consumed in our retina to become another insignificant disturbance in our
visual fields. A cool clear wind sweeps over our skin, gently leaning on
a thousand little hairs, currents of air slowed and warmed, robbed
of its purity by our very presence, its loss of innocence the price the
universe must pay to start a shiver at the top of our spines to explode
through our minds.
Water, a solution of hundreds of minerals perfectly balanced, a million years
hard work of breaking down the hard that make up our only home, washes over our
tongues and into our throats, sacrificing its precious stone to our bodies and
its cool freshness to our minds.
As the universe destroys itself in and on our bodies it stimulates us and
lay into our consciousness the essential sensation of existence without which
we would have no experience or life at all.